
尽管这个术语听起来很陌生,动名词是我们大多数人每天都在使用的一个常见的词类,不管我们是否知道它。在这里,我们将深入了解动名词,并为你提供几个动名词的例子,这样你在写作中使用它们会感到舒服,当你看到它们时,你就能认出它们。Although the term might sound foreign, the gerund is a common part of speech that most of us use every day, whether we know it or not. Here, we’ll take an in-depth look at gerunds and provide you with several examples of gerunds so you’ll feel comfortable using them in your writing, and so that you will be able to recognize them when you see them.


动名词是由动词构成,但充当名词的词。它们很容易被发现,因为每个动名词都是一个带有“ing”的动词。这条规则没有例外。Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. They’re very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to its tail. There are no exceptions to this rule.

就像语法中的所有东西一样,动名词确实需要一点侦探工作才能发现。这里的问题是现在分词也以ing结尾。除了能够认出动名词,你还应该能够区分动名词和现在分词。Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot. The problem here is that present participles also end with the letters ing. Besides being able to spot gerunds, you should be able to tell the difference between a gerund and a present participle.

让我们回到动名词的定义上。记住,动名词是由动词构成,但充当名词的词。现在分词不作名词。相反,它们充当修饰语或完成进行动词。要在句子中找到动名词,只要找一个用作名词的动词+ ing形式。就是这么简单。Let’s go back to the definition of a gerund for a moment. Remember that gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. Present participles do not act as nouns. Instead, they act as modifiers or complete progressive verbs. To find gerunds in sentences, just look for a verb + ing that is used as a noun. It’s that simple.


当你阅读这些动名词的例子时,注意它们包含的动词,并注意它们都以ing结尾。在这个快速的课程结束时,当你看到动名词时,识别它们你将没有问题。As you read these examples of gerunds, notice the verbs they contain, and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. By the end of this quick lesson, you’ll have no problem recognizing gerunds when you see them.

  1. Swimming in the ocean has been Sharon’s passion since she was five years old.
  2. The ballerina taught us dancing.
  3. Apologizing to me isn’t enough this time.
  4. She is afraid of flying.
  5. They are capable of doing hard work.