Tomas Flores is a farmer. He doesn’t have a lot of money. He grows carrots, potatoes, and onions. He and his wife, Rosa, work hard every day.

Farmer Flores has a cow. It gives lots of milk every day. Mrs. Flores sells the milk at the market in town.

One day, Mrs. Flores comes home from town. She’s very excited. “There’s a dance in town on Saturday. Can we go?”

‘Tm sorry, but no,” says Farmer Flores. “ We’re plain[1]plain US: [pleɪn] UK: [pleɪn] adj. 清楚的;明显的;浅白的;坦诚的 v. 发牢骚;叹惜;哀悼;痛哭 adv. 绝对地 n. 平原 Web 普通的;平纹;朴素的 people. It’s too fancy[2]fancy US: [ˈfænsi] UK: [‘fænsi] v. 想象;竟然;认为;想要 n. 爱好;想象的事物;想象(力);想要 adj. … 继续阅读 for us!”

His wife is very sad.

The next day, Farmer Flores has an idea. He takes the cow to town and sells it at the market. He buys a very fancy hat for himself and a beautiful dress for his wife.

He runs home. He puts on the fancy hat. He gives his wife the beautiful dress. “We can go to the dance,” he says.

His wife is angry! “Our cow gives us milk every day!” she says. “We sell the milk. We get money to buy food!”

“ But you want beautiful clothes for the dance,” says Farmer Flores.

“ Can we eat the fancy hat and the beautiful dress?” Mrs. Flores asks.

“No, we can’t,” says the farmer. “We need our cow!”

Farmer Flores takes the dress and the hat back to the market. He buys his cow back. Now he tells people, “Never sell something you need to buy something you want.”

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 plain US: [pleɪn] UK: [pleɪn] adj. 清楚的;明显的;浅白的;坦诚的 v. 发牢骚;叹惜;哀悼;痛哭 adv. 绝对地 n. 平原 Web 普通的;平纹;朴素的
2 fancy US: [ˈfænsi] UK: [‘fænsi] v. 想象;竟然;认为;想要 n. 爱好;想象的事物;想象(力);想要 adj. 异常复杂的;太花哨的;精致的;有精美装饰的