(Wang Junfeng and his parents are going to the USA. Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off [1]see … off: 送行;送别;告别. Now they are on their way to [2]on one’s way to:  在某人去…的路上 the airport.)

Wang Junfeng: I can’t believe that I’m flying to [3]be flying to: 将要飞往…  现在进行时表将来 Disneyland. I’m so excited.

Kangkang: Of course you are.

(Michael sees a stranger [4]stranger: US: [ˈstreɪndʒər]  UK: [ˈstreɪndʒə(r)]  n. 陌生人;外地人;新来者 putting out his hand with his thumb [5]thumb: US: [θʌm] UK: [θʌm] n. 拇指;(手套的)拇指部分 raised.)

Michael: Stop, please!

Driver: What’s up?

Michael: The stranger is asking for a ride [6]ask for a ride: 搭乘;搭车;想搭车. Look at his gesture!

(The driver stops the minibus [7]minibus: US: [ˈmɪniˌbʌs] UK: [‘mɪnɪbʌs]  n. 小巴;小型公共汽车 .)

Foreigner: Excuse me, could you please give me a ride [8]give sb a ride: 请…顺便开车送;让…搭车 to the airport?

Driver: Sure. We’re going to the same place. Get on [9]get on: 上车;安上;过日子;相处 (with together), please.

Foreigner: Thank you very much.

(They reach the airport twenty minutes later.)

Kangkang: What time is your flight [10]flight: US: [flaɪt]  UK: [flaɪt]  n. 飞行;班机;逃走;(尤指乘坐飞机的)旅行?

Wang Junfeng: At 5 o’clock. My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. But I’m still worried about [11]be worried about: 为……而担心,忧虑 my English.

Kangkang: No need to worry. You can buy the guidebook [12]guidebook: US: [ˈɡaɪdˌbʊk]  UK: [‘ɡaɪd.bʊk]   旅行指南, A Tour in the USA.

Wang Junfeng: Good idea. I hope I won’t have much difficulty in [13]have difficulty in: 在……方面有困难;在……有困难 communication.

Michael: Whenever [14]whenever: US: [hwenˈevər]   UK: [wenˈevə(r)]   conj. 每当;每次;无论何时;在任何…的时候   adv. (用于问句,表示惊奇)究竟什么时候 you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.

Wang Junfeng: Thank you very much. I have to [15]have to: 不得不,必须 go now. Bye!


A: When are you traveling to Canada?

B: I’m traveling tomorrow.

A: Who are you going with?

B: I’m going with my friends.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 see … off: 送行;送别;告别
2 on one’s way to:  在某人去…的路上
3 be flying to: 将要飞往…  现在进行时表将来
4 stranger: US: [ˈstreɪndʒər]  UK: [ˈstreɪndʒə(r)]  n. 陌生人;外地人;新来者
5 thumb: US: [θʌm] UK: [θʌm] n. 拇指;(手套的)拇指部分
6 ask for a ride: 搭乘;搭车;想搭车
7 minibus: US: [ˈmɪniˌbʌs] UK: [‘mɪnɪbʌs]  n. 小巴;小型公共汽车
8 give sb a ride: 请…顺便开车送;让…搭车
9 get on: 上车;安上;过日子;相处 (with together
10 flight: US: [flaɪt]  UK: [flaɪt]  n. 飞行;班机;逃走;(尤指乘坐飞机的)旅行
11 be worried about: 为……而担心,忧虑
12 guidebook: US: [ˈɡaɪdˌbʊk]  UK: [‘ɡaɪd.bʊk]   旅行指南
13 have difficulty in: 在……方面有困难;在……有困难
14 whenever: US: [hwenˈevər]   UK: [wenˈevə(r)]   conj. 每当;每次;无论何时;在任何…的时候   adv. (用于问句,表示惊奇)究竟什么时候
15 have to: 不得不,必须