Would you like to learn English on the Internet? Your search results [1]result: US: [rɪˈzʌlt]   UK: [rɪ’zʌlt]  n. 结果;成绩;【体】比分;【数】计算的结果 can be very interesting. For example [2]for example: 例如, at online grammar websites, there is advice about how to correct your English grammar [3]grammar: US: [ˈɡræmər]  UK: [ˈɡræmə(r)]   n. 语法;文法;(人的)语言知识及运用能力;语法书. Famous English-speaking [4]English-speaking:    adj. 说英语的 writers can tell you about writing at their websites. On the Internet, you may write emails to friends in other countries and then read their emails to you. If you want to change English words into Chinese or Chinese words into English, then there are websites that can do this for you [5]这是一个定语从句,修饰 websites.. English websites from Canada or America can help you to improve your listening skills. You can listen to English stories, poems and songs. At last, it is possible to look up new words in an online dictionary [6]dictionary: US: [ˈdɪkʃəˌneri]  UK: [ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri]  n. 词典;字典;辞书;专业术语大全. Learning English on the Internet is easy and fun!

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 result: US: [rɪˈzʌlt]   UK: [rɪ’zʌlt]  n. 结果;成绩;【体】比分;【数】计算的结果
2 for example: 例如
3 grammar: US: [ˈɡræmər]  UK: [ˈɡræmə(r)]   n. 语法;文法;(人的)语言知识及运用能力;语法书
4 English-speaking:    adj. 说英语的
5 这是一个定语从句,修饰 websites.
6 dictionary: US: [ˈdɪkʃəˌneri]  UK: [ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri]  n. 词典;字典;辞书;专业术语大全