(Kangkang is reading a report on population [1]population: US: [ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]   UK: [ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]   n. 人口;人口数量;族群; in the newspaper.)

Kangkang: Wow! What a large population! [2]What a large population! 人口真多!population 修饰词,人口多用 large, 人口少用small

Maria: What?

Kangkang: Look, it says the world has a population of [3]has a population of: 有…人口 6.8 billion [4]billion: US: [ˈbɪljən]   UK: [‘bɪljən]   n. 〈美、法〉十亿;〈英、德〉万亿;无数. And it is increasing [5]increase: US: [ɪnˈkris]   UK: [ɪnˈkriːs]   n. 增加;增长;增多   v. 增加;增多 by [6]increase by: 以…方式增长 80 million every year.

Maria: Mmm, that’s really a lot. Which country has the largest population?

Kangkang: China has the largest population. It has already reached [7]reach: US: [ritʃ]   UK: [riːtʃ]  v. 达到;到达;达成;收到;(手)够得到 1.3 billion, and India is second with 1.1 billion.

Maria: What’s the population of the USA? [8]美国有多少人口? *必会句子

Kangkang: 309 million.

Maria: Oh, I see. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that [9]that: 运用比较级时比较对象应该具有可比性,that用来代指前面提到的(单数)比较对象,如果是复数则需要用those in developed countries, doesn’t it? [10]反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句,添加规则一般是“主肯定附加否定,主否定附加肯定”,回答时依据事实回答

Kangkang: Yes. What’s more [11]What’s more: 而且, the population in developing countries is growing faster.

Maria: So it is. The population problem has become more serious in developing countries.

Kangkang: Luckily [12]luckily: US: [ˈlʌkɪli]   UK: [‘lʌkɪli]  adv. 幸亏;侥幸;运气不错, China has already carried out [13]carry out: 实行;开展;完成 some policies [14]policy: US: [ˈpɑləsi]  UK: [ˈpɒləsi]  n. 政策;方针;保险单;原则 to solve the problem [15]solve the problem: 解决问题;解决难题    *注意answer the question搭配.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 population: US: [ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]   UK: [ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]   n. 人口;人口数量;族群;
2 What a large population! 人口真多!population 修饰词,人口多用 large, 人口少用small
3 has a population of: 有…人口
4 billion: US: [ˈbɪljən]   UK: [‘bɪljən]   n. 〈美、法〉十亿;〈英、德〉万亿;无数
5 increase: US: [ɪnˈkris]   UK: [ɪnˈkriːs]   n. 增加;增长;增多   v. 增加;增多
6 increase by: 以…方式增长
7 reach: US: [ritʃ]   UK: [riːtʃ]  v. 达到;到达;达成;收到;(手)够得到
8 美国有多少人口? *必会句子
9 that: 运用比较级时比较对象应该具有可比性,that用来代指前面提到的(单数)比较对象,如果是复数则需要用those
10 反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句,添加规则一般是“主肯定附加否定,主否定附加肯定”,回答时依据事实回答
11 What’s more: 而且
12 luckily: US: [ˈlʌkɪli]   UK: [‘lʌkɪli]  adv. 幸亏;侥幸;运气不错
13 carry out: 实行;开展;完成
14 policy: US: [ˈpɑləsi]  UK: [ˈpɒləsi]  n. 政策;方针;保险单;原则
15 solve the problem: 解决问题;解决难题    *注意answer the question搭配