All of us may look forward to kinds of inventions[1] US: [ɪnˈvenʃ(ə)n] | UK: [ɪn’venʃ(ə)n] n.发明;虚构;发明的东西;发明才能 in the future. I think we will have special shoes like these in the future. They will look like trainers and they will be very comfortable. Everyone will be able to wear them, even children and old people. The shoes will have wheels, like roller[2] US: [ˈroʊlər] | UK: [ˈrəʊlə(r)] n.滚筒;滚柱;滚轴;碾轧机 skates, so they will help us to move around quickly. They will also lift us off the ground when we want to jump over things or fly to a different place. These shoes are a great idea because we won’t need bikes or cars to travel around the town. They will be good for the environment[3] US: [ɪnˈvaɪərnmənt] | UK: [ɪn’vaɪrənmənt] n.生态环境;自然环境;(影响个体行为或事物发展的)环境;客观环境.
1、 将上面短文合理分段并写出每段主要意思。
2、 分好段后,请五个红色的They,哪个应该改为名词?为什么?
那么下面让我们来练习一下,写一篇自己My Special Invention. 让我们看看谁的创意最好,谁的文笔最美?
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