Once upon a time, a little pine tree lived at the edge of a thick forest. Its long green [simple_tooltip content=’/ˈɡlɪs.ən/ (因潮湿、油亮或光滑的表面反光而)闪光,闪耀,闪亮’] glistened [/simple_tooltip] in the sunlight. The summer wind whistled through its branches.

But the tree was unhappy. “My needles are thin and sharp,” it complained. “I wish I had leaves like the maple tree that turns gold in autumn. If I had leaves of pure gold, then I would be happy.” The forest fairy heard him and asked, “Little tree, why would leaves of pure gold make you happy?” The tree answered, “Because then I would be the most beautiful tree in the forest.” “Very well,” the fairy said. “But I can only grant [1][ɡrænt] v. 允许;同意 you three wishes.” The next morning, the leaves on the tree glistened with pure gold. “I’m so happy,” laughed the tree. “Now I am beautiful.” Soon a man came walking through the forest. Seeing the golden leaves, he pulled off every single one.

“All my leaves are gone,” the tree cried. “I wish I had leaves made of glass that glisten like the evergreens with snow on their branches. They would be too sharp for any man to steal. Then I would be happy.” “Little tree, are you sure that your second wish is for glass leaves?” asked the fairy. “Yes, because then I would be the most beautiful tree in the forest.” “Very well,” said the fairy.

The next morning, the tree dazzled[2] [ˈdæz(ə)l] v. 使眼花;使茫然;闪;晃眼   n. 眩惑;使人眼花缭乱的事物 as the sun’s light touched its glass leaves. “I’m so happy,” it shouted. “My leaves sparkle like diamonds. Now I am beautiful.” But soon, the winter wind began to blow. The glass leaves shattered and broke into tiny pieces on the ground. “I am bare and have no leaves at all,” shivered the little tree. “I wish I had big, wide green leaves like the oak tree in spring. The wind couldn’t hurt those leaves. Then I would be happy.”

The fairy asked, “Are you sure that big, green leaves will make you happy? I can grant only one last wish.” “Yes, because then I would be the most beautiful tree of all.” The next morning, the tree was covered with luscious[3][ˈlʌʃəs]adj. 美味的;甘美的;可口的;柔软的 green leaves. “I am so happy,” it shouted. “My leaves are broad and green, and I am beautiful.” Before long, a goat and her kids came to the tree. They ate and ate until there was not a single leaf on the tree. “All my leaves are gone,” sobbed the little tree.

The fairy heard, but alas, she could grant no more wishes.

All winter, snow fell on the little tree, and wind blew through its bare branches. It shivered[4]shiver 美: [ˈʃɪvər] 英: [ˈʃɪvə(r)] n. 发抖;颤抖;碎块;破片
v. 打碎;(使)发抖;(使)打颤;(使)迎风飘动
in the cold. Never had it felt so unhappy.

Finally spring came, bringing rain and sunshine. Tiny sprouts[5]美: [spraʊt] 英: [spraʊt] v. 发芽;抽条;很快地生长;使发芽
n. 幼芽;新梢;【植】球芽甘蓝;年轻人
began to grow on the tree. Soon, the branches were full of long green needles[6]美: [ˈnid(ə)l] 英: [ˈniːd(ə)l] n. 针;针头;缝针;编织针
v. 刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿;【医学】用针治疗
once again. They glistened in the sunlight and wind whistled through the branches. “Needles are best for pine trees,” said the tree. And it decided it would never be unhappy again.


  1. bare [7]美: [ber] 英: [beə(r)] adj. 裸体的;裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的
    v. 揭开;脱(衣服)
  2. sob[8]sob
    美: [sɑb] 英: [sɒb] v. 呜咽;抽噎;啜泣;哭诉
    n. 抽噎(声);啜泣(声);呜咽(声)

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 [ɡrænt] v. 允许;同意
2 [ˈdæz(ə)l] v. 使眼花;使茫然;闪;晃眼   n. 眩惑;使人眼花缭乱的事物
3 [ˈlʌʃəs]adj. 美味的;甘美的;可口的;柔软的
4 shiver 美: [ˈʃɪvər] 英: [ˈʃɪvə(r)] n. 发抖;颤抖;碎块;破片
v. 打碎;(使)发抖;(使)打颤;(使)迎风飘动
5 美: [spraʊt] 英: [spraʊt] v. 发芽;抽条;很快地生长;使发芽
n. 幼芽;新梢;【植】球芽甘蓝;年轻人
6 美: [ˈnid(ə)l] 英: [ˈniːd(ə)l] n. 针;针头;缝针;编织针
v. 刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿;【医学】用针治疗
7 美: [ber] 英: [beə(r)] adj. 裸体的;裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的
v. 揭开;脱(衣服)
8 sob
美: [sɑb] 英: [sɒb] v. 呜咽;抽噎;啜泣;哭诉
n. 抽噎(声);啜泣(声);呜咽(声)