Michael: Hi, Maria! What are you carrying?

Maria: It’s my stamp collection [1]collection: US: [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n]   UK: [kə’lekʃ(ə)n]  n. 聚集;募集;(常指同类的)收集物;一批物品. Would you like to see it?

Michael: Wow! What beautiful stamps! [2]What beautiful stamps! 多漂亮的邮票啊! 这是一个感叹句。 Are they all from China?

Maria: Not all. I collected some of them from Cuba. But now I also have a lot of [3]a lot of: 许多,大量 beautiful stamps from China.

Michael: It must be great fun.

Maria: It certainly is. We can learn a lot about history and people from stamps [4]learn (a lot) about A from B: 从B那里学到(很多)关于A(的事情). What hobbies did you use to [5]used to do sth.: 过去常做某事   |  一般疑问句前面加助动词did,used变成原形use;否定句形式为 didn’t use to have?

Michael: I used to collect baseball cards. But now I’m interested in basketball.

(Here comes Kangkang. [6]倒装句)

Kangkang: Hi, Maria! Hi, Michael! What are you looking at?

Michael: Hi, Kangkang! We are looking at Maria’s stamp collection. Where are you going?

Kangkang: I’m going swimming. It’s my favorite hobby.


A: I used to enjoy pop music, but now I don’t like it. I love playing sports.

B: I didn’t use to go shopping, but now I like it.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 collection: US: [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n]   UK: [kə’lekʃ(ə)n]  n. 聚集;募集;(常指同类的)收集物;一批物品
2 What beautiful stamps! 多漂亮的邮票啊! 这是一个感叹句。
3 a lot of: 许多,大量
4 learn (a lot) about A from B: 从B那里学到(很多)关于A(的事情)
5 used to do sth.: 过去常做某事   |  一般疑问句前面加助动词did,used变成原形use;否定句形式为 didn’t use to
6 倒装句