Kangkang: How time flies! [1]How time flies! 时间在流逝;光阴似箭;时间过得真快 We’ll graduate from Beijing International School this weekend!

Michael:  Yes, and there’s going to be a graduation ceremony.

Maria: What should we do to get ready for [2]get ready for: 为……做准备 it?

Jane: I think we should prepare some gifts.

Maria: But, first of all [3]first of all: 首先;首要, we must pass our final examination.

Michael: Take it easy. [4]Take it easy.  “take things easy”的变体 别紧张;不要紧张;别着急 We have worked so hard that [5]so … that … : 如此…以致… we will be able to [6]be able to: 能够 pass it easily.

Kangkang: Shall we give speeches [7]give speeches: 做演讲 at the ceremony?

Jane: Perhaps. If so, what are you going to say?

Kangkang: I’ll say I have learned not only how to study, but how to be a man. [8]我不仅学会了如何学习,而且学会了如何做人。

Maria: Thinking back  [9]think back: 回想起,追忆 on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard.

Michael: Well, I will never forget the saying, “ Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. [10]set one’s mind to (doing) sth.: 一心想做;专心致志;全力以赴[11]世上无难事,只怕有心人。” I will also remember our friendship forever.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 How time flies! 时间在流逝;光阴似箭;时间过得真快
2 get ready for: 为……做准备
3 first of all: 首先;首要
4 Take it easy.  “take things easy”的变体 别紧张;不要紧张;别着急
5 so … that … : 如此…以致…
6 be able to: 能够
7 give speeches: 做演讲
8 我不仅学会了如何学习,而且学会了如何做人。
9 think back: 回想起,追忆
10 set one’s mind to (doing) sth.: 一心想做;专心致志;全力以赴
11 世上无难事,只怕有心人。