Eating Habits

People around the world have different eating habits.

In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.

In the southern [1]southern: 美: [ˈsʌðərn]  英: [ˈsʌðə(r)n]  adj. 南方的;向南的;南部的 part of China, people eat rice a lot, while in the north people often eat noodles. In the central and western parts, people are far away from [2]far away from: 远离;离……远 the sea, so they don’t eat much seafood [3]seafood: 美: [ˈsiˌfud]  英: [ˈsiːˌfuːd]  n. 海鲜. But all Chinese people use chopsticks to eat.

In parts of India, people use their fingers to pick [4]pick: 美: [pɪk]  英: [pɪk]  v. 选择;挑选;摘;采 up [5]pick up: 拾起;探出;重新开始;不费力地学会 the food.

In Thailand, people eat with a spoon and a fork and they don’t use knives at all [6]not … at all: 一点也不;不用谢;根本不.

In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time [7]at the same time: 同时;另一方面;与此同时.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 southern: 美: [ˈsʌðərn]  英: [ˈsʌðə(r)n]  adj. 南方的;向南的;南部的
2 far away from: 远离;离……远
3 seafood: 美: [ˈsiˌfud]  英: [ˈsiːˌfuːd]  n. 海鲜
4 pick: 美: [pɪk]  英: [pɪk]  v. 选择;挑选;摘;采
5 pick up: 拾起;探出;重新开始;不费力地学会
6 not … at all: 一点也不;不用谢;根本不
7 at the same time: 同时;另一方面;与此同时