If you go to a formal [1]formal: 美: [ˈfɔrm(ə)l]  英: [ˈfɔː(r)m(ə)l]  adj. 适合正式场合的;正规的;庄重的;正式的 western dinner party for the first time, you’d better know about western table manners [2]manner: 美: [ˈmænər]  英: [ˈmænə(r)]  n. 方式;举止;方法;礼貌 [3]table manners: 餐桌规矩;进餐礼节. It’s polite [4]polite: 美: [pəˈlaɪt]  英: [pə’laɪt]  adj. 有礼貌的;客气的;儒雅的;应酬的 to follow them.

When you sit down at the table, take your napkin [5]napkin: 美: [ˈnæpkɪn]  英: [‘næpkɪn]  n. 餐巾(纸) and put it on your lap [6]lap: 美: [læp]  英: [læp]  n. 搭接;膝;怀;膝头. When you start dining, you should keep the fork [7]fork: 美: [fɔrk]  英: [fɔː(r)k]  n. 叉;岔路;耙;路的岔口 in your right hand. If you use your knife, then put the fork in your left hand. The dinner always starts with a small dish [8]dish: 美: [dɪʃ]  英: [dɪʃ]  n. 盘;碟;菜肴;一道菜. It’s polite to eat up [9]eat up: 吃完;消耗;沉迷于 the food on your plate, so don’t take more food than you need. Maybe you don’t know whether it’s polite or not to speak loudly at the table. The answer is that you should speak quietly [10]quietly: 美: [ˈkwaɪətli]  英: [‘kwaɪətli]  adv. 静静地;悄悄地;安静地;轻轻地 and smile a lot When you drink to [11]drink to sb./sth.: 为某人/某事干杯(或祝酒)someone, you’d better raise your cup or glass and take only a little. Remember not to drink too much. If you can’t remember these rules, just do as other people do.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 formal: 美: [ˈfɔrm(ə)l]  英: [ˈfɔː(r)m(ə)l]  adj. 适合正式场合的;正规的;庄重的;正式的
2 manner: 美: [ˈmænər]  英: [ˈmænə(r)]  n. 方式;举止;方法;礼貌
3 table manners: 餐桌规矩;进餐礼节
4 polite: 美: [pəˈlaɪt]  英: [pə’laɪt]  adj. 有礼貌的;客气的;儒雅的;应酬的
5 napkin: 美: [ˈnæpkɪn]  英: [‘næpkɪn]  n. 餐巾(纸
6 lap: 美: [læp]  英: [læp]  n. 搭接;膝;怀;膝头
7 fork: 美: [fɔrk]  英: [fɔː(r)k]  n. 叉;岔路;耙;路的岔口
8 dish: 美: [dɪʃ]  英: [dɪʃ]  n. 盘;碟;菜肴;一道菜
9 eat up: 吃完;消耗;沉迷于
10 quietly: 美: [ˈkwaɪətli]  英: [‘kwaɪətli]  adv. 静静地;悄悄地;安静地;轻轻地
11 drink to sb./sth.: 为某人/某事干杯(或祝酒)