Michael: Kangkang, read this article.

Kangkang: What’s it about?

Michael: It’s about air pollution in China. It says that China has become the world’s largest producer and user [1]user: US: [ˈjuzər]  UK: [ˈjuːzə(r)]  n. 用户;使用者 of coal.

As a result [2]as a result: 结果, air pollution has become a serious problem.

Kangkang: Yeah. But the government is doing something useful [3]something useful: 有用的事/物  修饰不定代词的形容词放在不定代词后 to protect the environment.

Michael: That’s great. None [4]none: US: [nʌn]  UK: [nʌn]   adj. 没有   pron. 没有一个;毫无  … 继续阅读 of us likes pollution.

Kangkang: Yes. We shouldn’t leave rubbish [5]rubbish: US: [ˈrʌbɪʃ]  UK: [‘rʌbɪʃ]  n. 垃圾;废弃物;废话;劣质的东西 here and there [6]here and there: 到处;零零落落. Don’t spit [7]spit: US: [spɪt]  UK: [spɪt]  v. 唾(唾沫、食物等);啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视);怒斥 anywhere in public [8]in public: 当众;公开地;在公共场合. Don’t walk on grass or pick flowers. Everyone should care for [9]care for: 照顾;关心 wild [10]wild: US: [waɪld]  UK: [waɪld]  adj. 狂热;自然生长的;野的;野生的 animals and plant more trees.

Michael: That’s right. We should do everything we can to protect the environment.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 user: US: [ˈjuzər]  UK: [ˈjuːzə(r)]  n. 用户;使用者
2 as a result: 结果
3 something useful: 有用的事/物  修饰不定代词的形容词放在不定代词后
4 none: US: [nʌn]  UK: [nʌn]   adj. 没有   pron. 没有一个;毫无   *必会辨析

none可以指人也可以指物,否定三者及以上,可单数也可复数,后可跟of短语,强调数量,常用how many/much提问;


no one 只指人,只用作单数,不跟of短语,不强调数量,常用who提问。

5 rubbish: US: [ˈrʌbɪʃ]  UK: [‘rʌbɪʃ]  n. 垃圾;废弃物;废话;劣质的东西
6 here and there: 到处;零零落落
7 spit: US: [spɪt]  UK: [spɪt]  v. 唾(唾沫、食物等);啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视);怒斥
8 in public: 当众;公开地;在公共场合
9 care for: 照顾;关心
10 wild: US: [waɪld]  UK: [waɪld]  adj. 狂热;自然生长的;野的;野生的