Maria: Hi, Wang Junfeng! What are you reading? You’d better not read in the sun [1]in the sun:在阳光下,无忧无虑  * under the sun: 全世界. It’s bad for [2]be bad for: 对……有害,对……不利 your eyes.

Wang Junfeng: Oh, thank you. I’m reading an article [3]article: US: [ˈɑrtɪk(ə)l]  UK: [ˈɑː(r)tɪk(ə)l]   n. 冠词;论文;物件;(协议、契约的)条款 about smoking [4]smoke: US: [smoʊk] UK: [sməʊk]  v. 抽烟;冒烟;吸(烟);抽(烟) in the newspaper. Does your father smoke, Maria?

Maria: Yes, he thinks smoking can help him relax.

Wang Junfeng: But, you know, smoking is bad for his health.

Maria: Yes, his teeth are yellow and he often coughs.

Wang Junfeng: That’s too bad. Look, the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even [5]even: US: [ˈiv(ə)n]  UK: [ˈiːv(ə)n]   adv. 即使;还;其实 cause cancer [6]cancer: US: [ˈkænsə(r)]   UK: [ˈkænsə(r)]   n. 癌;恶性肿瘤;巨蟹座;毒瘤.

Maria: Oh! How terrible! I must ask him to give up smoking [7]give up (doing) sth.: 放弃(做)某事/物 . May I borrow [8]borrow: 借(入); your newspaper and show it to my father  [9]show sth. to sb. : 把某物展示给某人看   也可以表达为show sb. sth.?

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 in the sun:在阳光下,无忧无虑  * under the sun: 全世界
2 be bad for: 对……有害,对……不利
3 article: US: [ˈɑrtɪk(ə)l]  UK: [ˈɑː(r)tɪk(ə)l]   n. 冠词;论文;物件;(协议、契约的)条款
4 smoke: US: [smoʊk] UK: [sməʊk]  v. 抽烟;冒烟;吸(烟);抽(烟)
5 even: US: [ˈiv(ə)n]  UK: [ˈiːv(ə)n]   adv. 即使;还;其实
6 cancer: US: [ˈkænsə(r)]   UK: [ˈkænsə(r)]   n. 癌;恶性肿瘤;巨蟹座;毒瘤
7 give up (doing) sth.: 放弃(做)某事/物
8 borrow: 借(入);
9 show sth. to sb. : 把某物展示给某人看   也可以表达为show sb. sth.