There are many kinds of pollution around us, including air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad for [1]be bad for: 对……不利;对……有害 our health in many ways [2]in many ways:在许多方面;用许多方法 .

Burning gas, oil and coal [3]coal: 美: [koʊl]  英: [kəʊl]   n. 煤;煤炭;木炭; creates [4]create: 美: [kriˈeɪt]  英: [kri’eɪt]  v. 创建;创造;造成;创作 air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and breathing problems [5]breathing problems: 呼吸问题;呼吸困难.

With the increase in population and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of litter into the land. In the fields, farmers use too many chemicals which destroy the soil. [6]which destroy the soil: 此处是定语从句(相当于形容词),修饰 chemicals Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.

Noise pollution can make people deaf. For example, people may lose their hearing if they work in a noisy place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood [7]blood: 美: [blʌd]  英: [blʌd]  n. 血;血统;有…类型的血的;家世 pressure  [8]high blood pressure: 高血压as well [9]as well:也;同样.

Working in strong light for a long time may cause some kinds of illnesses [10]illness: illness不具体指,而是泛指一切疾病,强调生病的时间或状态,语体较sickness正式一些。  … 继续阅读. It makes people feel terrible and is especially bad for eyes.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 be bad for: 对……不利;对……有害
2 in many ways:在许多方面;用许多方法
3 coal: 美: [koʊl]  英: [kəʊl]   n. 煤;煤炭;木炭;
4 create: 美: [kriˈeɪt]  英: [kri’eɪt]  v. 创建;创造;造成;创作
5 breathing problems: 呼吸问题;呼吸困难
6 which destroy the soil: 此处是定语从句(相当于形容词),修饰 chemicals
7 blood: 美: [blʌd]  英: [blʌd]  n. 血;血统;有…类型的血的;家世
8 high blood pressure: 高血压
9 as well:也;同样
10 illness: illness不具体指,而是泛指一切疾病,强调生病的时间或状态,语体较sickness正式一些。  sickness较口语化,可与illness换用,但还可表示“恶心”。   disease指具体的疾病,且通常较严重,发病时间也较长。