(Kangkang is asking Mr. Brown something about spaceships.)

Kangkang: Spaceships are so amazing. Mr. Brown, could you please tell me some recent spaceship developments?

Mr. Brown: OK. Spaceships which now mainly use electronic [1]electronic: US: [ˌilekˈtrɑnɪk]  UK: [ˌelekˈtrɒnɪk]  adj. 电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的 controls used to [2]used to do sth.: 过去常做某事 be controlled by astronauts.

Kangkang: But how do they work?

Mr. Brown: Astronauts use computers to control the speed and direction of their spaceships, even the temperature.

Kangkang: Perfect! But I know so little about computer technology.

Mr. Brown: It’s important to master computer technology. So I advise you to discover new ways [3]advise sb. to do sth.: 建议某人做某事 to make computers serve us better.

Kangkang: Good idea. Thanks for your introduction, Mr. Brown. I think that if  I work hard then nothing is impossible [4]nothing is impossible: 一切皆有可能;没有什么不可能;没有不可能.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 electronic: US: [ˌilekˈtrɑnɪk]  UK: [ˌelekˈtrɒnɪk]  adj. 电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的
2 used to do sth.: 过去常做某事
3 advise sb. to do sth.: 建议某人做某事
4 nothing is impossible: 一切皆有可能;没有什么不可能;没有不可能