Darren: Hello, Kangkang. Could you tell me something about Tian’anmen Square?

Kangkang: Sure. It is in the center of Beijing City. It’s the largest city square in the world. It covers 440 000 square meters. It’s 880 meters long from north [1]north: US: [nɔrθ]   UK: [nɔː(r)θ]   n. 北;北方;北部;北部地区   adj. 北方的;向北的;北部的;北风的   adv. 朝北;向北;某物以北;超过 to south and 500 meters wide from east [2]east: US: [ist] UK: [iːst]  n. 东;东部;东方;东边  adj. 东方的;向东的;东部的;东风的   adv. 向东;朝东 to west [3]west: US: [west]   UK: [west]   n. 西;西方;美国西部;西方(与东方国家相对照的欧洲和北美)   adj. 西方的;向西的;西部的;西风的   adv. … 继续阅读. It can hold one million people.

Darren: That’s amazing! Are there any great buildings?

Kangkang: Certainly. We can see the Monument [4]monument: US: [ˈmɑnjəmənt]  UK: [ˈmɒnjʊmənt]  n. 丰碑;纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹;有历史价值的建筑 to the People’s Heroes in the center of the square. In the north of the square, we can see Tian’anmen Rostrum [5]rostrum: US: [ˈrɑstrəm]  UK: [ˈrɒstrəm]   n. 讲坛;指挥台;领奖台. There Chairman [6]chairman: US: [ˈtʃermən]  UK: [ˈtʃeə(r)mən]  n. 主席;主持人;(公司等的)董事长 Mao Zedong announced [7]announce: US: [əˈnaʊns]   UK: [ə’naʊns]   v. 宣布;宣称;(尤指通过广播)通知;声称 the founding [8]found: US: [faʊnd]   UK: [faʊnd]   v. 建立;创建;铸造;把…基于 of the People’s Republic [9]republic: US: [rɪˈpʌblɪk]  UK: [rɪ’pʌblɪk]  n. 共和国;共和政体 of China [10]the People’s Republic of China: 中华人民共和国,缩写the PRC in 1949.

Darren: The square must be quite meaningful [11]meaningful: US: [ˈminɪŋfəl]   UK: [ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l]   adj. 严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的 to all Chinese people.

Kangkang: Yes, and we can see some other great buildings there.

Darren: Wow, I can’t wait [12]wait: US: [weɪt]  UK: [weɪt]   v. 等;等待;等候;期待   n. 等待;等候;等待的时间 to [13]can’t wait to do sth. : 迫不及待地做某事;see it. By the way [14]by the way: 顺便问一下;顺便说一下 , how far is it from here to Tian’anmen Square?

Kangkang: It’s about one and a half hours [15]one and a half hours: 一个半小时 by bike.

Word Bank

Word Bank
1 north: US: [nɔrθ]   UK: [nɔː(r)θ]   n. 北;北方;北部;北部地区   adj. 北方的;向北的;北部的;北风的   adv. 朝北;向北;某物以北;超过
2 east: US: [ist] UK: [iːst]  n. 东;东部;东方;东边  adj. 东方的;向东的;东部的;东风的   adv. 向东;朝东
3 west: US: [west]   UK: [west]   n. 西;西方;美国西部;西方(与东方国家相对照的欧洲和北美)   adj. 西方的;向西的;西部的;西风的   adv. 向西;朝西
4 monument: US: [ˈmɑnjəmənt]  UK: [ˈmɒnjʊmənt]  n. 丰碑;纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹;有历史价值的建筑
5 rostrum: US: [ˈrɑstrəm]  UK: [ˈrɒstrəm]   n. 讲坛;指挥台;领奖台
6 chairman: US: [ˈtʃermən]  UK: [ˈtʃeə(r)mən]  n. 主席;主持人;(公司等的)董事长
7 announce: US: [əˈnaʊns]   UK: [ə’naʊns]   v. 宣布;宣称;(尤指通过广播)通知;声称
8 found: US: [faʊnd]   UK: [faʊnd]   v. 建立;创建;铸造;把…基于
9 republic: US: [rɪˈpʌblɪk]  UK: [rɪ’pʌblɪk]  n. 共和国;共和政体
10 the People’s Republic of China: 中华人民共和国,缩写the PRC
11 meaningful: US: [ˈminɪŋfəl]   UK: [ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l]   adj. 严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的
12 wait: US: [weɪt]  UK: [weɪt]   v. 等;等待;等候;期待   n. 等待;等候;等待的时间
13 can’t wait to do sth. : 迫不及待地做某事;
14 by the way: 顺便问一下;顺便说一下 
15 one and a half hours: 一个半小时